The All-In-One Product Management Framework for Key Decision-Making

  • September 10, 2024
  • 5 Min Read
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As the title suggests, in the next few minutes you'll be presented with a product management framework that can be applied to any problem statement across your life, and you'll be shocked with the output data you'll get from it for making key decisions.

This is not only a framework for product managers, but the beauty of this is that anyone can apply this in their life, be it for a personal situation or a professional one.

For the best understanding of this decision making framework, we need to know it from it's root-level, related to aspects such as its:

  • Creation
  • Purpose
  • Understanding
  • Application
  • Iteration

The Creation & Purpose of the Product Management Framework

Across the day, our mind continuously creates questions such as:

  • What went wrong today?
  • Why did it happen that way?
  • Could I have done anything else?
  • How do we change the outcome next time?
And sometimes, a few positive questions such as:
  • What went right today?
  • How can I go deep into that and make it double or triple the next time?

To answer these thoughts, we designed a framework. It draws on our 8 years of experience in the SaaS industry.This strategic framework can be applied to any situation or problem in your life. You'll likely achieve your desired outcome using the data you get.

The framework helps you analyze a problem deeply, and it also gives you new insights and angles you might not have considered.

And the name we decided to give the framework was:
OPA Framework

O- Opposite Thinking of a given Problem-Statement/Situation
P- Adding Phase to see the Problem-Statement in Different Perspectives
A- Amplifying/Zoom In & Out over the results from O & P to see Deeper & Wider

The purpose of this decision making framework is to provide you with:

  • Re-Thinking the Whole Problem in Opposite.
  • Seeing the Problem from Different Angles & Perspectives
  • Focusing on Macro & Micro levels over the above 2 Points

Applying these 3 stages will provide sufficient data through better decision-making processes leading to our desired outcome.

Let's use an example of melting ice cream to summarize so far. If you store ice cream in your fridge and only care about its taste, there's a risk that a power cut and high heat will melt it before you can taste it.

First, focus on its possibilities of melting. Analyze those possibilities from different angles. Now, dig deeper and wider to remove all the possibilities of melting. What's left now is a high chance to enjoy it without interruption.


The Understanding of the Framework for Product Managers and Learners of Life

Now let's understand the 3 stages of this product management framework: O, P, & A

O: Opposite Analysis/Thinking

In Opposite Analysis, we need to think about the opposite outcome of a given situation/problem statement.

The opposite outcome of:
Rainy Weather is Sunny Weather
Clean is Dirty
1 is -1
Light is Dark

Once we've found the opposite outcome. We need to think about all the possibilities that lead to the opposite outcome, and then try to focus on removing all those possibilities. After this, what's left is the high chance of getting our originally desired outcome. We are removing what we don't want first so that we are left with what we want.

Now let's take an example to understand reverse thinking.
Dinosaurs are no longer on Earth, right?
Watch the video below, Did you know that this type of Dinosaurs still exist on Earth?

Surprised? Confused?
Well watch the video again, and then pause it at last.
Now watch the entire video in reverse direction by sliding back manually & you would realize that these are not Dinosaurs but Ant-eaters. This is the whole essence of Opposite Analysis, to see things in reverse.

Dinosaur? Ant-Eater?

The Opposite Analysis will help you with questions such as:

  • I want +1, but what is its opposite?
  • The opposite is -1, what should I do to get -1?
  • Did I think about all the possibilities to get -1?
  • Since I know all the possibilities to get -1, Can I take action to remove all those possibilities?
1D X-axis showing 2 outcomes

In Opposite Analysis, you will learn the first dimension of your problem statement. It means in 1D you'll be able to see two outcomes of your problem statement. They are:

  • Desired Outcome
  • Opposite Outcome

Over here you are staying at your place and just thinking about the problem in a positive/negative direction, this will either help you to solve the problem in this step OR you can check further with P & A. But whatever happens, store the insights from O because we'll use it across P & A.

P: Phase Addition for Different Angles

Let's understand this with both technical and non-technical examples.

Technical Example: In Math, there's a method where you can add Phase to a Wave equation and change the placement of the original Wave from 1-dimension to 2-dimension. The phase shift allows us to view the original wave in different angles by shifting it to a certain degree. Meaning, you are looking at the original wave in different angles(degree), can be 90,180, etc, this'll help you see and analyse the original wave with different perspectives.

Phase Shift to view the original Wave in different degrees(angles)

  • In another representation below, Consider O as the origin, and X-axis as the original wave with 2 possibilities + and -, meaning 1D. Now we are duplicating the X-axis to create a Y-axis. Y-axis is nothing but the 90-degree rotation of X-axis while keeping the origin (O) at the same place. Now this Y-axis provides us a 2D view over the original 1D X-axis.
  • Duplicating X-axis to create Y-axis for different viewing angles with same origin
  • We are rotating our perspective 90/180 degrees by keeping the core of the challenge same (Core=Origin)
  • Phase shift allows us to see things in 2D, which the opposite analysis can't reveal in 1D.
  • A negative Y-axis provides different viewing angles over the negative X-axis for Undesired Outcome. while the positive X-axis and Y-axis does the same for Desired Outcome.

Non-Technical Understanding: When a problem/situation exists, you need to see it from various angles to understand different perspectives, this will help you to combine all the perspectives to get more data for better decision-making.
In the Opposite Analysis, we were twisting the outcome of the problem in opposite and analyzing its possibilities, but here the problem will remain the same, we're just trying to see it from different angles to gain perspectives.

We must keep ourselves aware of multiple perspectives.
But why is that important?
Because when you're solving a problem or making a decision, being aware of multiple perspectives will help you make the best decision in everyone's interest. And knowing multiple perspectives leads you closer to reality, where it's easier to build/achieve/develop what you desire.

Reality is perspective, more the perspectives better the decision

So far we've understood:

  • Finding Opposite Outcome & its Possibilities using Opposite Analysis. This is 1D, meaning chances for 2 outcomes.
  • Seeing Different Perspectives using Phase Analysis. This is 2D, meaning multiple viewing angles over the 2 outcomes from Opposite Analysis.

Before moving on, let's understand the simple concept of merging Phase Analysis with Opposite Analysis.

Once we've found out the possibilities of opposite outcomes using Opposite Analysis. We can apply Phase Analysis over the same to view multiple angles/perspectives about the opposite outcome and its possibilities to gather more data and take action

A: Amplify/Zoom In & Out over O & P

In Amplifying Analysis, a simple technical meaning of amplify means to stretch out the wave by increasing its strength, this allows us to observe the wave in Macro(zoom-out) & Micro(zoom-in) level for more data insights.

Amplifying a wave to zoom-in and zoom-out over the wave

In Math, the Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) of a point in three dimensions specify the signed distance from the origin along the x, y, and z-axis, respectively.

Adding Z-axis to view X-axis and Y-axis in Macro and Micro view

  • Meaning, that the Opposite Analysis shows us 2 sides of the X axis, i.e. + and - of a given problem statement.
  • he Phase Analysis creates a duplicate of X axis. And rotates the duplicate X axis in 90/180 degrees, making that into a Y axis to get different perspective on the original problem statement with the same origin(O).
  • The Amplifying Analysis adds Z to the situation to give a Macro & Micro view of the problem statement at origin(O) that's being observed using X & Y.
  • For the positive X-axis (Desired Outcome), we have a positive Y-axis to provide multiple perspectives, and a Z-axis to provide macro and micro views. Same applies to negative X, Y, and Z axis for Undesired Outcome.


Covers aspects like:

  • Thinking of the long-term consequences related to the problem, from the insights we've got.
  • Thinking of the wider aspects of the problem, from the insights we've got.
  • Thinking of the present situation from various point of view to get a zoomed-out viewing angle.

Sometimes only when we Zoom out we get a clear idea about what we are dealing with.

Let's see a Market-based Example:
If you are putting a lot of effort into just solving a problem that only 1 or 2% of users/audience are facing, you are not creating any impact so don't break your head around it, focus on the bigger chunk. The wider you can see, the better you can see.

And a General Example:
Let's say, an insect crash landed on my food while I was eating at a hotel. if I go bonkers and create a scene, it would not only affect the hotel's business and credibility but also my time and energy. I'd rather stay calm and understand that the situation is unique to me and politely ask for a replacement.
This would be a well-made decision in everyone's interest.


Covers aspects like:

  • Allowing you to dive deep into anything you are trying to solve.
  • Going to the atomic level if required to get clarity to analyze the situation/problem.

Sometimes only when we Zoom in we get a clear idea about what we are dealing with.

Let's see a Technical Example:
If there's a programming bug, rather than answering at the application level, we need to go deep and check at the database or API level or even infrastructure level to understand the root cause to fix it.

And a General Example:
I have a -2.5 eyesight, so there are times when I end up mistaking people's gender who are 20 feet away from me, and this has landed me into a handful of troubles.

So Zooming in/wearing glasses is what finally gave me the clarity to save myself from such troubles. Sometimes Zooming in - will give you clarity that surface-level information can't.

Zoom in and Zoom out provides better understanding

Amplifying will help you see deeper and wider aspects of Opposite & Phase Analysis because it forces you to look from a high level and low level - beyond the challenge/situation/task - all over the surroundings.

Using the Product Framework for Application & Iteration

Applying the O-P-A stages to any problem/situation provides a high possibility of achieving desired outcomes through better decision-making processes with the data we get.


Let's understand the cumulative application of all 3 stages in a given situation by considering an example: A person driving a bike to reach a place in 10 mins

  • Opposite analysis: The person reaching the location in 10 mins can be considered as (+). In Opposite Analysis the person not reaching the location in 10 mins can be considered as (-). Now let's try to figure out all the possibilities which lead to (-). Now let's take action to remove all the possibilities leading to (-). Now since the (-) possibilities are removed, what's left is (+) possibilities. If this succeeds you'll get your solution in this stage, else we'll apply Phase Analysis on (-) in next step.
  • Phase Analysis: See (-) from different angles and perspectives now. For example, think about the longest route, routes with bad road, and routes with traffic-jam, etc, and try to use this information to remove all the possibilities leading to (-) by viewing different angles. After this, you'd be left with (+) possibilities. If this succeeds you'll get your solution in this stage, else we'll apply Amplifying Analysis over different viewing angles of (-).
  • Amplifying Analysis: Let's apply this at both Macro & Micro level, in Macro we can see things such as consequences of not reaching on time, and any long-term impacts due to the same. In Micro, we can observe things such as no-fuel in he vehicle, no fuel-pump nearby, and bad vehicle condition, etc, we can try to use the information to remove all the possibilities of (-), so that we'd be left with (+). If it succeeds you'll get your solution in this stage.

During the application, if you are not able to find the solution in one of the stages of O, P, & A, try to cycle across all stages continually and combine stages in various permutations to get more data. This'll help you with better decision-making processes.

Always have a mentality where, if something is a reversible decision, don't think too much, just execute and re-iterate.
But in case it's not a reversible decision, think a lot, seek clarity, and once it's clear - Execute Ruthlessly.
Sometimes, nothing will give you clarity, at that time do whatever gives you instant feedback and keep iterating until you reach the goal.
Remember, reality is the ultimate answer in the form of feedback for all of us.

We've been up to crazier things, and offer products/solutions to scale businesses, and we also have more blogs that can help you with productivity strategies, effective communication, launching on product hunt, etc.

In-depth analysis and application with constant iteration leads to success

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